ELLs are encouraged to make individual book selections according to level and interest from the school/public library. In any one class, a wide range of reading ability is “valid”. Teachers can also opt for silent reading in class which can bridge to home reading. Teachers who do this on a consistent basis communicate to the class that extensive reading is important and it is a high priority.
Student prepared talks to the class:
This activity is based on student interest. The focus should be initially on developing fluency and later, on accuracy depending on the level and ability of the class. For those who are shy and hesitant, other options should be made available for the students, such as recording their talks at home and report the information on a one-on-one basis.
Building reading groups.
In addition to its mechanical spelling activities, dictations can incorporate all four skills. Variations and different levels of the same dictated passages can be administered with little teacher preparation.
Teachers can use a reading selection to cater to those groups of learners who can cope independently while the teacher can gather the other group to read together using an adaptation of the story/text.